Monday, June 30, 2014

You know whats better than doing animation?

Answer:  DOING IT AGAIN!!!  Your art never stops improving.  It can always get better.  You always have to push yourself to look at your work, critique it, figure out how you can make it better.  Even though I was extremely happy with my last post and I thought it was perfect, once I looked at it again later on with a fresh, critical eye, I saw lots of room for improvement.  The main lesson I learned from this revision/addition is stretch/squash and exaggeration.  I always thought that in realistic animation, it was stretching the character out into his/her most extreme position while still being able to keep the proportions.  But then we go back to the bouncing ball animations, where we distort the ball and literally stretch it across the page, and then squash it down.  That rule doesnt just apply for soft, rubbery, stretchy balls.  You can use that kind of exaggeration for ANYTHING.  It will give your animation so much more weight if you really push it.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


After seemingly disappearing from the art community completely, I have come back after all this time to bestow the internet with the new thing I made that I felt was actually worth posting.  It's been really hard to motivate myself to do anything  after finishing school except for a few doodles here and there.  It helps to be around other artists, which are not in abundance around me.  This very short clip is the start of a brand new action sequence I am working on, similar to the sequence I did with the frog character.  This is the result of an all night flash binge session.  Good thing I'm actually nocturnal or I would have given up on this long ago, and daytime is too distracting.  So enjoy this 2 second clip that took me HOURS AND HOURS to make.  But I guess that's animation.