Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weight Test

This is the newest addition to my demo reel, a weight test.  This is my favorite piece of animation I've ever done.  This took days and days of studying, drawing and redrawing until I got the posing just perfect.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Final Student Animation Project

This was my final project for my animation class, and I have been working on it since January.  Four months of hard work and lots and lots of drawing challenges went into this.  I am quite proud of the result, albeit only being rough animation, and I learned so much from doing it.  I really set out to challenge myself with this, by using more realistic characters and good action scenes.  I hope I can always challenge myself so I can keep learning.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Animatic Story time!!

This is sort of a trailer for a larger project I want to work on in the future.  The beginning of the story is that there is a city with a strong farming district, and during a drought in a distant city, these starved people show up and ask for help and food.  The guards that came over with them are pretty much assholes to these people.  They beat people up and take too much food.  So our main character gets pissed off and gets a buddy of his to steal some food from them, and that night his thief buddy finds a whole lot of other thief buddies and starts attacking the town and people that moved in.  Our hero then finds himself in this big old courtyard place after he ran away from the attack, and he is now mulling it over and thinking about all the horrible shit that he pretty much caused himself.  That's where we begin, I guess.

Run and Jump with Hop Far and Tad Po

This is the first animation I did with these guys.  Even though Tad Po is just a prop in this.  But I'm ok with just using him like that.  You may notice that he is in the same hole he is in during the action analysis, and also in the lip sync, when he has the same sword stuck in his head.  Yayy, continuity!!!!

I got bored one weekend...

Something I whipped up when I didn't really have anything to work on.  Sorry it's so dark but there where a lot of layers used in this.  Why do I like animating frogs so much??

Animation test- Wall fall

Luckily there's no lady frogs watching.

Animation test- Pulling

This is probably something I would like to fix when I get the chance.  I'd like to go back and edit the timing a little bit, and then improve the impact at the end.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Animation Rough!!!

this is a rough test scene in a short production im working on by myself.  in this scene, our hero cuts himself with a knife while whittling, (which is shown in previous scenes) then out of frustration he takes it out on his poor knife.

Lip sync!!!

As the title says... Lip Sync!!!  This is actually a direct sequel to my action analysis, where hop far is now attempting to give Tad Po a sincere apology for lodging a sword into his head.  Hop Far really doesn't care all that much though, could you tell?

Martial arts tutorial. Totally legit.

Action analysis!!! This class assignment was to demonstrate weight and balance, and an understanding of action poses with our original characters.  Starring Hop Far and featuring Tad Po.